Resume pdf
Languages: French and English
Another life #106
Twilight Zone #101
Man In the High Castle 401
Siren #203
The 100 #603
Dolemite is my name
Motherland #Pilot
The Rookie #102
Van Helsing #313
Sacred lies
Take Two #106
Fast Layne #103-105-106
Project Blue Book
Arrow # 618
The Mission
The Rookie Pilot
Hit the Floor #402
Colony #312
The Crossing #103
Supergirl #313
SIX #210
Sirens #110
Supernatural #1307
Once Upon A time #708
Arrow #607
Snowpiercer (pilot)
Dead Pool 2
Once Upon a Time #706
Man In the High Castle 301
Once Upon a Time #703
Legends Of Tomorrow #302
Flash Season #401
Van Helsing 2
The Good Doctor (pilot)
ZOO Season 3
Bates Motel
Legion /Club House
The 100
ZOO Season 2
Shut Eye
Travelers (#105-106)
Legends Of Tomorrow
The Flash #208
Arrow #408
Star Trek
X-Files #1005
Minority Report
World of Warcraft
Brick Mansion
X-Men Days of Future Past
The Ends of the Earth
Beauty & the Beast
True Justice
Maximum Conviction
Bullet in the face
Death Race
Bon Cop Bad Cop
I’m not there
King Ransom
Power Corps
The day after Tomorrow
The adventure of Pluto Nash
The Sum of all fears
Les Dangereux
Largo Winch
Love Song
Lance et compte Next…..
Stunt Driver DBL
Stunt Dbl
Stunt Dbl
Stunt Dbl Elizabeth Ludlow
Stunt Dbl Driver
Stunt Performer
Stunt Dbl Driver
Stunt Dbl Tatiana G Hobson
Stunt Performer/fighter
Stunt Performer
Stunt Dbl afton williamson
Stunt Performer
Stunt Performer
Stunt Performer
Stunt dbl Tattiawna Jones
Motocycle/Driver Stunt Dbl
Stunt Performer
Stunt Performer
Stunt Performer
Stunt Driver Dbl
Motorcycle Stunt Dbl
Stunt Performer
Stunt dbl Karen Holness
Stunt Dbl Krys Marshall
Stunt Dbl Nadine Velazquez
Stunt Dbl Fola Evans
Stunt Dbl Caitlin Stryker
Stunt Dbl Dania Ramirez
Stunt Performer
Stunt Performer
Stunt Performer
Motorcycle Stunt Dbl
Stunt Performer
Motorcycle Stunt Dbl
Stunt Dbl Maisie R-Sellers
Stunt Dbl Britine Oldford
Stunt Actor
Stunt performer
Stunt Dbl
Stunt Dbl Halle Berry
Stunt driver Dbl Rihanna
Stunt Actor
Stunt Double
Stunt Dbl-Stunt Performer
Stunt Performer
Stunt Performer
Stunt Performer
Stunt Double (Nesta Cooper)
Stunt Double (Hawk Girl)
Stunt Double (Hawk Girl)
Stunt Double (Hawk Girl)
Stunt Double (Zoe Saldana)
Stunt Performer
Stunt Double
Stunt Falling Woman
Stunt Double (Halle Berry)
Stunt Double (Halle Berry)
Stunt Double (Paula Patton)
Stunt Dbl (Catalina Denis)
Stunt Double (Halle Berry)
Stunt Coord Assistant
Stunt Dbl Nina Lisandrello)
Stunt Actor
Stunt Actor
Stunt Actor
Stunt Actor
Stunt Actor
Stunt Actor
Stunt performer
Stunt Double (Leila Arcieri)
Stunt Performer
Stunt performer
Stunt Double (Halle Berry)
Stunt Dbl (Rosario Dawson)
Stunt Performer
Stunt performer
Stunt performer
Stunt performer
Stunt Dbl –Stunt performer
Stunt Dbl (Monica Arnold)
Stunt Actor
Click here for IMDb
Bill Fergurson
Paul Wu
Rob Hayter
Brett Armstrong
Scott Nicholson
Maja Aro
Ed Anders
Marshall Virtue
Billy Washington
Enerst Jackson
Melissa Stubbs
Lauro Chartrand
Kimani Ray Smith
Maja Aro
David Jacox
Owen Walstorm
Jeff Aro
Curtis Braconnier
Danny Virtue
Melissa Stubbs
Elisabeth Carpenter
Jeff Aro
Danny Virtue
Simon Burnett
Bill Fergurson
Ed Anders
Rob Hayter
Bruce Crawford
Eli Zougadakis
Gaston Morrisson
Scott Ateah
Bruce Crawford
Jeff Aro
Maja Aro
Dean Choe
John Kralt/Chad Bellamy
Kimani Ray Smith
Gaston Morrisson
Melissa Stubbs
Louis Simon
Dan Shea
Guy Bews
Melissa Stubbs
Marshall Virtue
Ernest Jackson
Melissa Stubbs
Gaston Morrisson
Doug Chapman
Dean Choe / LIoyd Adams
John Kralt / Chad Bellamy
Eli Zougadakis / JJ Makaro
Mike Gunther
Melissa Stubbs
Lou Bollo
John Stoneham Jr
Jim Vickers / Henry Kingi Jr
Andy Dylan / Steven Ritzi
Tom Struthers/John Street
Alex Cadieux
J .Habberstad /J. Churchman
Lauro Chartrand
Alison Reid
Lauro Chartrand
Lauro Chartrand
Stéphane Julien
Dave Mc Keown
John Stoneham Jr
Marc Desourdy
Benoit Gauthier
Roy Anderson
John Walsh
Branko Racki
Minor Mustain
Alan Oliney
T. Leonard-Dave McKeown
Stephan Lefèbvre
Jean Frenette
Stephane Lefèbvre
Marc Desourdy
Minor Mustain
Stéphane Lefèbvre
Stunt Coordinator/Assistant Stunt Coordinator
Childs Play Chucky
Dragged Across Concrete
One small indiscretion
Transference (Short )
The End of Earth
Killing Salazar
Assistant Stunt Coordinator
Assistant Stunt Coordinator
Stunt Coordinator
Stunt Coordinator
Assistant Stunt Coordinator
Assistant Stunt Coordinator
Lauro Chartrand
Lauro Chartrand
Reel one/Viciferous Films
Three V productions
Lauro Chartrand
Bruce Crawford
Motion Capture
Assasin’s Creed
Multi FC3
Stunt Performer
Stunt Performer
Stunt Performer
Motion Capture Ubisoft
Motion Capture Ubisoft
Motion Capture Ubisoft
Canadian Tire
Ford Focus
Loto Québec
Stunt Actor
Stunt Performer
Stunt Double
Stunt Driver
Stunt Driver
Stunt Driver
Stunt Actor
Fabrique d’image
Fabrique d’image
Fabrique d’image
Fabrique d’image
Fabrique d’image
Fabrique d’image
Special Skills
Dance Jazz & Classical, Acting & Theater
Motorcycle , License 4 years, Stop to Mark Motocross,
Precision driving, drive Standard & Automatic,
Stop to mark Wire work,
Films Fight
Horse back riding, English & Western
Double For
Halle Berry
Paula Patton
Zoe Saldana
Britine Oldford
Caitlin Stryker
Karen Holness
Vanessa Williams
Leila Arcieri
Pam Grier
Rosario Dawson
Monica Arnold
Ciara Renee
Maisie Ridchardson Seller
Nina Lisandrello
Fola Evans
Dania Ramirez
Nadine Velazquez
Michelle C. Smith
Motion Picture safety 201
Motorcycle Ridding
Boxing , Hand to Hand combat
Horse Back ridding/western & English
Kali training,Trapping
Fire arms & safety
Military Technique
Martial Arts, Films fighting
Martial Arts , Films Fighting
Precision driving, wire work, Films Fighting
Dance, Classical ,Jazz, Various Style
Acting & Theater
Bo staff
Safety for supervisors Actsafe
Jasmil Motorcycle ridding school
John Street
Digger Hansen /Razvan Puiu /Krystal Creek
G. Herman / Philippe Gelinas /Ron Balicki
Snap Shot –Christian Labrie ,Paul Barrette
Alexander Samakhv –Shadow squad
Marc Beaudry -yoseikan Budo center
Guillermo Grispo
Alan Oliney, Lauro Chartrand,
Ballet Eddie Toussaint-Louise Lapierre
La troupe les Carcans , Martin Newfield
*Sound of Blackness Award: Winner Female Artiste of the 2007 (The 7th Round)
*Sound of Blackness Award: Nominee Female Artiste of the 2009 ( Miss Meteo)
*SAG Award: Nominated ;Outstanding Performance by a Stunt Ensemble in a Motion Picture 2014